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BEWARE: The Real Terrorists are Upping Their Chatter

Eric Blair
Activist Post
December 21, 2010

Remember the buzzword chatter? When our criminal government kept the sheeple on the razor’s edge of fear because they’d say that chatter levels coming from Al-Qaeda were increasing?  Well, today, in this article, I’m going to openly fear monger to you, because the chatter by the real terrorists, the ruling elite, is getting louder and more urgent — prompting me to warn you that it seems like a terror attack is coming soon.

Be afraid, be very afraid, but not of the coming attack, rather for the establishment response to it.

All the signs are here.  Clearly desperate for public approval and budget justifications, the government has recently made several bogus terror arrests of entrapped FBI patsies.  Perhaps they thought the public would give them some political props for thwarting their own staged events.  However, they’re beginning to realize that the general public has a bad case of ”boy who cried wolf” syndrome where these glorious victories in the ongoing war on terror don’t carry much effect anymore with people struggling to pay bills. Therefore, the regular folks must be reminded that wolf can still bite.

Three recent stories seem to indicate a higher than normal level of urgency about an impending attack.  The first was the report from Iraq that “intelligence” gathered from the recent round-up of militants revealed a threat of an attack inside the U.S. and Europe during the Christmas season. Reuters claimed in certain terms, but through a faceless spokesman:

Al Qaeda is planning attacks in the United States, Britain and Europe around Christmas, one year after a failed attempt to bomb a U.S.-bound passenger plane, a senior Iraqi official said Thursday.

…’One of the (men) confessed that ISI will execute attacks inside the United States, Britain, and Europe,’ Hussein said. ‘They were making preparations for this goal.

Okay.  Does anyone actually believe poor militants living in Iraq can prepare and execute a successful terror attack inside the United State?  Regardless, DHS sent an alert to all local law enforcement, even though an official who claimed that, “While there was no specific or credible information about a possible attack, the bulletin was based on intelligence from abroad.”  It is this kind of absurdity that reveals the agenda, because this is not a credible threat on any level except to those who need to float warnings before they strike.

Keeping in mind that the original press release had “no specific or credible information,” because right on cue an ABC News story a few days later describes not just the specific threats, but also the motivation. For the dumbed-down, non-reading public the article title says all you need to know: Holiday Terror Warning Cites Car Bombs and Small Arms Attack; with the sub-title, Authorities Worry About Christmas Attack For ‘Psychological Impact.’

This would seem to indicate that the real terrorists are seeking maximum ‘psychological impact’ with their next successful attack on U.S. soil.  Perhaps they are getting ready to pull the trigger on something big.  However, even a small arms attack would accomplish some of the establishment’s incremental goals like restricting the public’s ability to purchase semi-automatic rifles.  It’s much like the recent article about potential terror attacks to poison food supply while the food safety bill S.510 bounces between houses.

Finally, the third and most telling story was a small bit by the Associated Press today regarding Attorney General, Eric Holder’s appearance on ABC’s Good Morning America where he feigns concern for “homegrown terror threats.”  The AP reported:

Holder said the terrorism threat is real and constant. He says he’s concerned that the authorities may have missed a signal that an attack is coming.

He says Americans have to be prepared for “potentially bad news.”

Of course, the establishment always uses the example of “anti-American cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, a U.S. citizen believed to be hiding in Yemen” as a claim that “Americans” are indeed seeking to strike the United States. This terror ring-leader of patsies has been exposed as a Pentagon insider by Fox News, yet he’s still being used justify the surveillance-industrial complex, the snitch culture, and the clampdown on freedoms in the name of fighting “domestic terrorism by American citizens.”

So, we’ve gone from a threat with no credible or specific information, to being on alert for car bombs and small arms attacks with the purpose of inflicting maximum psychological impact, to our chief law enforcer saying we must prepare for potentially bad news.

Besides seeking a psychological reaction from sheep, the real terrorists also desperately need to muffle the truth movement before it grows too big to control.  As the masses become more aware of the criminal actions by the government and its corporate cartel partners, the more they need a distraction. Even Geraldo Rivera has seen through the bogus terror plots, and said so on national TV.

This all says to me that something is coming because time is running out on their lies.  Be afraid, be very afraid, but not of the coming attack, rather for the establishment response to it.