Jurriaan Maessen
November 20, 20p09
Who’s the extremist? The Malthusian calling for world government to scale down human population or the one reporting on it?
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Extremist: Jacques Delors, former president of the European Commission. | |
While the Anti-Defamation League is busying itself with smearing truth tellers, the globalists meanwhile openly call for global governance and population reduction. Oh yes, the issues we cover here are quite extreme. If that makes those reporting on them extremist conspiracy theorists intent on blowing up a federal buildings- well, let’s round up all those who investigate anything, drive them into camps and warm up the oven. After all, they might be domestic terrorists.
Take for example a publication issued by the EU-chapter of the Club of Rome titled ‘ The Crisis, Global Governance and the Road to Copenhagen’ (click to find out whether this issue is a conspiracy theory or no). In this recent newsletter put out under auspices of His Royal Highness Prince Philip of Belgium (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha), the statement reads:
“We should not let any longer “laissez-faire” economic philosophy spill over and contain ambitious global policies. The survival of a great part of mankind is at stake. Do we need to wait for the date when the maximum number of human that the planet can bear will be reached?”
I know, it’s extremist beyond measure to report on this statement, but we just can’t help ourselves. I could of course pretend I didn’t actually read the statement in this pamphlet, saying that:
“The recent events should generate the required lucidity to undertake for the 30 years to come a collective and reasonable management and allocation of natural resources. (…). They should lead to the mutualisation of the planet resources with sound global governance; (…). Otherwise there is a significant risk that humanity will fulfil Malthus’ theories, where “natural” adjustment (in form of famine, disease, epidemic, natural catastrophes, war…) would put back the world population in line with the available resources.”
Before I could avert my eyes, I also had a glimpse of the following statement:
“Many measures leading to solutions of these problems are known and the Club of Rome has long been advocating for many of them: geo-engineering, zero waste & zero carbon policies, energy taxes, de-growth of consumption in many areas…”
I’m not sure continuing to quote the Club of Rome constitutes a dangerous and extremist conspiracy theory, but hey, there it is anyway.
In their witch-hunt for extremisms, why doesn’t the ADL visit the White House, the UN, the Counsel on Foreign relations and the annual Bilderberg conferences while they’re at it. Enough extremism there to keep you busy till rapture.
Please pay a visit also to professor Saul Mendlovitz, Co-Director of World Order Models Project (WOMP) and ask him if the scribe got it right when he recorded him saying in his acceptance speech at the award ceremony of the 1990 UNESCO ‘Prize for Peace Education’ (page 36):
“It is my personal belief (not shared by all members of WOMP) that there is an overwhelming surge in the direction of global polity and that a world state is emerging. Indeed, some of the policy élite are beginning to discuss a single world central bank and a single currency.”
Another one who can be reasonably suspected as being extremist, is former president of the European Commission Jacques Delors who on September 7, 1992, gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affairs titled ‘The European Community and the New World Order’ in which he speaks of “world government”, “transferring sovereignty” and a “worldwide single market”.
“I would add”, stated Delors, “and I will not go into detail- that economic integration, unless it is backed by a strong political will, will not in itself produce stronger international institutions or help create world government.”
In searching for extremism it will also be worth while paying a visit to John P. Holdren’s office. You will probably find a copy of his book Ecoscience there. Have him read back the book to you and ask him to elaborate.
The list of anti-human statements from the global elite goes on. If the Anti-Defamation league is serious about its claim to go after extremism, it would be wise to go after the New World Order, not those who try to stop their openly announced plan for world domination in its tracks.