Jurriaan Maessen
June 4, 2010
“It is difficult to re-educate people who have been brought up on nationalism to the idea of relinquishing part of their sovereignty to a supra-national body.”
Bernhard von Lippe-Biesterfeld, Founder of Bilderberg
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Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld. | |
At the upcoming Bilderberg-conference scheduled for June 3-6 to take place in the resort-town of Sitges, Spain, we will once again see representatives from finance, military, government, media and academia climb out of their limousines to plot their next move against the free peoples of the world. We will not hear about it from the vast majority of mainstream media outlets. Those who sit on the board of directors of huge media-conglomerates are usually present at the meetings. In an attempt to retrieve some information from the memory hole, I will set out to provide some background on one of the founders of this annual crime-fest and the longtime agenda he endeavored to accomplish.
When Bernhard Leopold Friedrich Eberhard Julius Kurt Karl Gottfried Peter Graf von Biesterfeld got himself married to princess Juliana in 1936, the vast majority of the Dutch were not really surprised. The few who were, can be considered as equivalents of modern-day Glenn Beck- worshipers, willing to eat everything out of anybody’s hand as long as the bite is sweet. It had become quite a tradition with the family Van Orange-Nassau to invite members of German nobility into its ranks. In fact, this tradition dated back to the late middle-ages, when the family had cunningly nestled itself into powerful Prussian bloodlines: a union from which both parties would profit immensely in the centuries to come: the former had gained access to all kinds of trading privileges through membership of the German Hanseatic League (a medieval trade organization, considered by historians to be a sort of rudimentary European Union), while the latter seized control of the river Rhine as it flowed into the Netherlands and more westward, into the north sea. As a result the Germans continued to tighten their grip on the fragile Dutch Republic and practiced the problem-reaction-solution ‘game’ with zest to undermine its success. Completely in line with this age-old tradition, just like in the old days, the marriage of Juliana and Bernhard was arranged to push the Teutonic agenda further out into the West.
At first glance, the Dutch people were not quite sure about this latest acquisition. The whole affair made them feel somewhat uncomfortable; the guy seemed a bit too flamboyant for the Calvinistic masses of the Netherlands to digest. In the beginning the Dutch considered him to be nothing more than a corrupt German who had dared to court ‘their’ princess. Indeed, the suspicion of corruption was not far off – but as for the courting, well, that was completely arranged of course and had nothing whatsoever to do with the romantic image of courtly love Europeans are so foolishly attached to. With the help of some very shrewd propaganda on the part of the elite, the initial image of the ‘playboy prince’ (as he was dubbed) was quickly traded in for a very friendly picture-postcard of the noble young prince, very friendly indeed. The anti-Orange minority, who considered the initial controversy to be the perfect opportunity to bring down the royals in favor of the Republic, was soon to be silenced by the majority of people, mindlessly drooling all over the royal draperies. As usual, all the people’s representatives in The Hague would bring themselves to do was nod their heads in quiet indignation before returning to their daily businesses. Bernhard’s real dealings were held back in fear of a Dutch populist uprising. In the end, the corruption was even blacker than the dark in which it lay hidden.
In the years proceeding the wedding a charismatic Austrian, backed up by national and international bankers, had taken control of battered, post WW1 Germany. The Dutch looked on in self-proclaimed neutrality as this new, destructive force in the east came into being. The false flag operation known as the Reichstag-fire tightened Hitler’s grip on the country, effectively giving him dictatorial carte-blanche. Now he set out to conquer Europe, Napoleon-style. Meanwhile the Dutch royal family had hauled in a cunning serpent: the Prussian prince was a member of Hitler’s party as well as a devoted cavalry officer in the Reiter SS; he also enjoyed marching with Hitler’s street fighters (the SA) in his spare time. And as if this criminal track record wasn’t bad enough, he also began working as a part-time secretary of the board of directors of IG Farben, the German corporation that would later supply the infamous chemical which was used to systematically gas millions of Jews and other victims of the Nazi-regime. But -as usual- only a very soft sound of protest could be distinguished amidst the hysterical cries of the Dutch, as they continued to wave their flags to their princess (later to become queen) and her Nazi husband. Meanwhile, the Republic- or what was left of it- was strangled by the very people they cheered on. The prince remained a loyal Nazi and even visited once or twice with the Fuehrer himself. It’s well known, by the way, that Hitler didn’t think much of Bernhard. After one meeting the German dictator was heard to remark that he never wanted to see ‘that complete idiot’ again. Not only did the German dictator increasingly place bad bets in regards to military affairs, he was evenly mistaken about the prince: Bernhard turned out to be everything but an idiot. To illustrate his cunning, the following example will suffice: when the second world war broke out in 1939, Bernhard flipped sides very quickly. In the blink of an eye he had changed from an outright Nazi to an allied air-force hero.
The Dutch hope of neutrality was altogether shattered by the German invasion of the Netherlands in may of 1940. The family members fled to England in a hurry, along with most of their treasure and fortune, leaving their subjects to starve on the mainland. In London, Bernhard immediately made himself useful: he must have realized that it wouldn’t do to side with the Nazis in the long run, as they were destined to be crushed between the two rising giants, the United States and the Soviet Union: the world’s foremost future management teams. He knew all too well that Hitler was set up from the very beginning to create the problem that the globalists would later solve. Bernhard inherently sided with his friends who moved around the pieces on both sides of the chessboard. It’s almost routine: first they fund a tyrant into power, creating the problem, after which they generously arm the opposing side. And as soon as the conflict is raging in full swing, they let it play out for a while until they deem the time ripe to bring out the solution – in favor of their global agenda of course. Finally, the outcome is being presented as some random historical phenomenon: as if it had naturally evolved out of the situation.
Hitler came and went. And the royal family returned to the weakened Netherlands they had cowardly fled just five years earlier. You would think its reputation would have been tarnished for good this time. But with the help of the media this fate was cleverly averted. In a cunning series of news articles the members of the royal family in general (and Bernhard in particular) were greeted as war heroes who supposedly had supported the home-grown Dutch resistance from abroad. It was the perfect spin: they weren’t cowards, they were actually heroes! Once again the people’s initial hesitations subsided to make room for blind idolatry: he had been magically transformed from a dubious German prince into a long lost relative they pressed tightly to their chests.
The contacts Bernhard had established in London during the war would prove to be priceless and lasting. We don’t have to fast-forward too far up the time-line to encounter the prince again, this time setting up the first Bilderberg conference in 1954. According to the official narrative, Bernhard was approached by a man named Joseph Retinger a few years earlier, a lifetime friend of the prince and a Polish (read: east-Prussian) political adviser. He was also the founder of the so-called European Movement as well as the ‘Council of Europe’ – two bodies that would later merge to become the European Union. Retinger had been playing with the idea of creating a global organization where the members could share thoughts in perfect impunity, and approached Bernhard to help him start up the project. They soon went to work to gather their powerful contacts together in one room, officially to strengthen ties between Europe and the US; in reality for the specific purpose of bringing in global government. Bernhard’s ambitions didn’t end with Bilderberg: just seven years after its founding, Bernhard forced into being the World Wildlife Fund, a global organization claiming to ‘stop the degradation of the planet’s natural environment, and building a future in which humans live in harmony with nature.’ A mouthful of pure nonsense, covering up the true face of the WWF- in reality nothing more than just another globally funded laundry-machine- as indeed was almost every project the prince was involved in. As can be learned via any search engine, Bernhard served on over 300 corporate boards worldwide by the 1970s. Regrettably, just a fraction of the corruption actually managed to pierce through the Dutch media grid. One that did manage to trickle through was a bribing scandal known as the ‘Lockheed affair’- named after the airplane- and arms-manufacturer company handing out the bribes. Ironically, the affair came to light in a hearing organized by the US Senate, where Bernhard’s name was mentioned in connection to the bribes. This information proved a lot harder to spin. So hard in fact, that for the first time in history a Dutch newspaper would break with the tradition of worship and decide to actually run with the story. The resulting publication in 1976 triggered an outburst of spontaneous rage in the Netherlands. Not surprising, for the article in question exposed the fact that Bernhard had accepted a million dollar bribe (which is mere pocket change) from Lockheed after which he laundered it through his World Wildlife Fund. It was out in the open and some Dutch members of parliament actually thought about starting a serious criminal investigation. But it wasn’t to be. When his wife, queen Juliana, threatened to resign if they were going to press on with the investigation, the ruling socialist party buckled under the pressure as it backed away in a decidedly rat-like fashion. The media quickly followed the party’s example as did the people’s representatives in the state capitol.
Today the royal family still enjoys full immunity as they secretly move through the international halls of power. It should be pointed out that, despite the before mentioned ‘revelations’ (and there are so much more), the actual influence the Dutch royal family exercises is kept locked away in a platinum framed closet, not to be touched. The Dutch media complies like a good lackey, restricting itself to the families skiing-trips and cocktail parties. Meanwhile, Bernhard’s daughter, the current queen Beatrix of Orange-Nassau, continues to uphold her father’s legacy as she extends her dark tentacles even further into the twenty-first century, pushing forward the globalist agenda.