Kurt Nimmo
September 30, 2010
Madame Napolitano of the Ministry of the Fatherland plans to take naked body scanners to the next level. She is urging 190 nations to adopt the machines. It’s all part of a push to counter terrorists who might use international flights for attacks by smuggling explosives through overseas metal detectors, according to USA Today. As should be expected, the poster child for the effort is Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the infamous underwear non-bomber.
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The government never sleeps in its effort to zap your kids with dangerous radiation. | |
“We need to move to the next stage of screening,” said Napolitano, because dimwitted patsies who never seem to pull off a terrorist event “have kind of figured out the magnetometer business.”
“There continues to be a threat stream about taking down a commercial airliner,” Napolitano said, “in part because it was used successfully before and could have a huge impact.”
The government never sleeps in its effort to zap your kids with dangerous radiation. Cancer ten or twenty years down the road is certainly preferable to some al-Qaeda dim bulb escorted to a plane and then setting his skivvies on fire while a mysterious man records the whole event with a video camera.
Former white wash commission members Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton have released a report that warns al-Qaeda is still out there gunning for us nearly a decade after Muslim cave-dwellers made NORAD stand down and mutated the laws of physics in lower Manhattan.
Kean and Hamilton now head the National Security Preparedness Group of the Bipartisan Policy Center, a globalist think tank cooked up by Howard Baker, Tom Daschle, Bob Dole and George Mitchell to keep the terror sideshow rolling along. “Electoral politics are partisan – policy should not be,” is the motto of the BPC. Policy, of course, is set by the big boys without direct input of the plebeian masses.
The BPC report authored by Kean and Hamilton and issued earlier this month says al-Qaeda may blow up a jet with a surface-to-air missile — maybe one of those left-over Stingers the CIA gave to the Mujaheddin, later to become al-Qaeda — or they will hit a hotel chain à la Mumbai or other “symbolic targets,” preferably associated with Israel and the Jews.
“The idea that the American people have that this (threat) is fading into the past is just flat wrong,” said Hamilton. His report characterizes the last year as “a watershed in terrorist attacks and plots in the United States,” including the apprehension of hapless Muslims who make the mistake of traveling “overseas for terrorist training” (they visit Pakistan).
Napolitano will now take her effort to sell the world on naked body scanners to the United Nations, or at least its aviation branch. “The nearly 200 nations that make up ICAO will agree Wednesday to improve aviation security through better technology and more sharing of information about terrorist threats, ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) Secretary General Raymond Benjamin said in an interview,” reports USA Today. “For the first time, nations will say we are globally interconnected, and we pledge to tighten up all of aviation,” added Steve Lott of the International Air Travel Association.
No doubt that will be sweet words to Napolitano’s predecessor, Michael Chertoff, who now shucks the backscatter monstrosities.
The fizzle pants affair was the turning point in the effort to force this technology on people around the world. Since December, the U.S., Netherlands, Canada and the United Kingdom began wide-scale installation of body scanners. Other countries have balked at installing them due to the cost and outrage over the obscenity of the things, but they may get with the program after the next orchestrated terror attack that now seems to be coming together.