Tony Cartalucci
Land Destroyer
October 4, 2010
The Power of Boycotting
The latest supporting evidence that Zbigniew Brzezinski fears of a “global awakening” were well founded comes in the form of a vaccine boycott in Ukraine.
According to the Associated Press report, “Vaccine scare in Ukraine threatens health:”
“Hundreds of thousands of fearful Ukrainians have refused vaccines for diseases such as diphtheria, mumps, polio, hepatitis B, tuberculosis, whooping cough and others this year, according to official estimates. Authorities have canceled a U.N.-backed measles and rubella vaccination campaign funded by U.S. philanthropist Ted Turner, and will have to collect and incinerate nearly 9 million unused doses in coming months.”
AP then tries to hint that Ukrainian media was irresponsibly misleading people:
“Ukrainian media outlets are numerous and uncensored but do not widely follow Western standards of fairness and accuracy. Some print and online reports alleged after the boy’s death that the Indian-made measles and rubella vaccine would sterilize men as part of a plot by Ted Turner, whose Washington-based United Nations Foundation charity paid for the vaccines.”
Apparently AP’s concept of Western standards of fairness and accuracy is hiding the global elites’ Malthusian mantra of “we’re too many people” or the century long, eugenic campaign of sterilizing, infecting, and outright killing the masses.
Ted Turner says there’s too many people, now he wants you to take his “vaccines.”
Associated Press doesn’t miss a beat between their feigned puzzlement over the Ukrainians’ refusal to roll up their sleeves for Ted Turner’s vaccines, and reporting the US Government’s admission of purposefully infecting hundreds of Guatemalans during secret experiments in the 1940′s. In this second report, AP also reminds us of the Tuskegee Experiment where hundreds of black Americans were secretly experimented on and lied to about their true condition and denied real treatment.
What AP claims international health officials call “unwarranted and dangerous” fears, seem quite warranted and only dangerous to the globalists’ agenda when put into a proper, historical context.
A Sampling of Historical Context
There was the covert forced sterilization of 200,000-300,000 Peruvian women as recently as 2000, under the watch of the UN and USAID. USAID to this day is still involved in “family planning” in Peru. There is also the quite public population reduction program of China, praised and lauded by people like Ted Turner who said during an interview with Diane Rehm (well worth listening to) that the Chinese “wisely instituted a one child policy” which he believes isn’t “draconian.”
Worst of all, is the gushing admiration globalist patriarch David Rockefeller has shown for Maoism and the genocidal “great leap forward” that killed at least 45 million in 4 years, and up to 80 million in all. Rockefeller noted in a New York Times article titled “From a China Traveler” in 1973 that “The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history.” He considers the resulting policies “social innovations.”
The fact that David Rockefeller founded and chairs the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a globalist forum of which nearly all of America’s politicians are members of and from which all of America’s policy originates from, should give us all pause for thought before rolling up our sleeves for anything they have to hand out.
The Bottom Line
The constant din of the globalist mass media under CFR corporations like Time Warner and News Corporation’s Fox News, or Chatham House’s BBC, guided by the agenda of globalist mainstays like Ted Turner, Bill Gates, and White House Science Adviser John Holdren, is thankfully being sidelined by the common sense and awakening of the people.
The Ukrainians seem to understand the implications of a ruling elite that worship mass murdering genocidal megalomaniacs and how the sound science and noble intentions of vaccinations have been hijacked by them to carry on the “social innovations” of Mao.
The people of Ukraine didn’t wait for their government and elected officials to take action. They took action themselves by boycotting the globalist’s agenda, en-mass and forcing the destruction of whatever Ted Turner had filled those 9 million injections with by simply not consuming what was placed in the trough by the globalists.
There is a great lesson to be learned here: Boycotts work, and perhaps the only vote you have that really counts is how you choose to spend your money, who you pay your attention to, and who you place your trust in, be it food, water, medicine, education, or the news.
So again, boycott the globalists, their corporations, their propaganda networks, their sleazy nihilistic entertainment, and their system in general. There is nothing they offer globally that we can’t do better locally. Our future, our lives depend on it.