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Man Videotaped Underwear Bomber On Flight 253

Dec 28, 2009 | Kurt Nimmo | Suspicious information about the underwear bombing has surfaced. An eye witness told the news talk radio station 620 WTMJ in Milwaukee that a man had videotaped the entire flight. Patricia Scotty Keepman and her daughter witnessed the alleged botched bombing. Keepmans daughter said that ahead of them was a man who videotaped the entire flight, including the attempted detonation.

Terror and Tyranny: the TNT Approach for 2010

Dec 28, 2009 | Pyramids of Control | The holiday season has greeted us with Terrorists who prefer their underwear to their shoes (and they need well-dressed escorts when they forget their passport). It would all seem ridiculous if it hadnt already caused a dramatic increase in airport security..

The 20,000 snooper army: Vast number of town hall bureaucrats get power to enter your home without a warrant

Dec 28, 2009 | James Slack | As many as 20,000 town hall snoopers have assumed powers to enter people's homes without a warrant and search for information, a survey revealed last night. The research details for the first time how a raft of intrusive laws has allowed council staff to barge into homes and businesses uninvited.

Alex Jones: Copenhagen births World Govt framework despite fallout over science fraud

Dec 19, 2009 | Aaron Dykes | IN HIS THIRD EXCLUSIVE EXPOSE OF THE CLIMATEGATE FALLOUT, Alex Jones breaks down the conclusion of the Copenhagen United Nations Conference on Climate Change (UNFCC), including the foundations of a new era of Global Governance� as evidenced by quotes directly from the mouths of Al Gore, UN Head Ban Ki-Moon and bankster heir David de Rothschild.

Maurice Strong Pushes Incremental, Radical Action to Achieve Global Government

Dec 19, 2009 | Jurriaan Maessen | In the interview Strong stated- among other things- that What is necessary is a global system of governance through which the nations of the world cooperate to address issues which none can deal with alone.

Man Quits Job Over Water Fluoride

Dec 18, 2009 | Adam Wratten | AFTER 15 years loyal service with Fitzroy River Water, Graham Demeny says his career is down the gurgler because of fluoride and an uncompromising council.

Climate Skeptics Give Greenpeace a Dose of Their Own Medicine in Copenhagen

Dec 17, 2009 | Patrick Henningsen | This week in Copenhagen saw the first-ever opening salvo by climate sceptics returning direct fire back to the very green campaign groups who uphold the globalists climate change global mantra. An entirely new breed of activist has been born- the climate skeptivist.

Climate Cultists Assault Global Warming Skeptic During Live Interview

Dec 17, 2009 | Paul Joseph Watson | Aghast that someone dared challenge the sanctity of Al Gore's holy climate empire, global warming loons pelted journalist Phelim McAleer with objects during a live television interview, proving once again the extreme left's constant preaching of tolerance doesn't extend to tolerating the free speech of anyone who disagrees with them.

The Real Reason Behind The Copenhagen Walk-Out

Dec 14, 2009 | Paul Joseph Watson | Developing countries have walked out on the Copenhagen climate talks, but one of the primary reasons as to why nations like China and India have boycotted the summit is being hidden by the corporate media namely the fact that the negotiations were doomed once poorer countries learned of the globalist's neo-colonial agenda as a result of the Danish text leak.

If Climategate Is No Big Deal, Why Are Questions About It Met With An Armed Response?

Dec 14, 2009 | Paul Joseph Watson | The boilerplate response on behalf of the guardians of the global warming scam is to claim that the climategate scandal holds no significance whatsoever. If warmists really are that laid back over the whole controversy then why are questions about it by accredited journalists met with an armed response from UN thugs?

What would a Greenpeace supporter know?

Dec 14, 2009 | Andrew Bolt | Christopher Monckton holds a Socratic dialogue on climate data with a Greenpeace supporter. It's the wanting to believe that is the key in this debate, and also the reason why facts barely count. The disgraceful role of the media in creating this scare is very clear..

Power of Prayer: Yale Project cynically taps religious leaders for covert climate change push

Dec 10, 2009 | Aaron Dykes | Use of religious leaders in persuading the public to embrace climate change policies includes influence of prayer, greening religious traditions and even "covert" action .

Ecoscience blames Judeo-Christian religions for overpopulation, environmental destruction

Dec 10, 2009 | Infowars | Here are excerpts from a chapter in Ecoscience, the 1977 text co-authored by Paul Ehrlich, Anne Ehrlich and John P. Holdren, now Science Czar to the Obama Administration, which regards the conflicts between religious institutions and environmental/population issues.

The Climate Change Propaganda Machine

Dec 10, 2009 | Paul Murdock, Psy.D | The main stream media and President Obama have shrugged off the controversy and continued boldly with their partisan agenda. It is clear the science behind climate change is biased and disputed, leaving the propaganda machine as the only fact that remains.

EPA Says Breathing Is Deadly, But Radioactive Drinking Water Is Good For Us

Dec 8, 2009 | Paul Joseph Watson | Environmental Protection Agency: Gas that humans exhale is a threat to public health, yet uranium and arsenic poisoned water is perfectly nutritious.

UN Climate Treaty: A Sneak Attack on Humanity

Dec 6, 2009 | Alan Caruba | Humanity has been threatened for decades by the effort of the United Nations, through its environmental program in general and its Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in particular, to impose an international treaty that would put the UN in charge of all energy use.

Excluded from the Copenhagen Agenda: Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) and Climate Change

Dec 6, 2009 | Michel Chossudovsky | World leaders are meeting in Copenhagen in December 2009 with a view to reaching an agreement on Global Warming. The debate on Climate Change focuses on the impacts of greenhouse gas emissions and measures to reduce manmade CO2 emissions under the Kyoto Protocol.

Sprint manager: Half of all police surveillance includes

Dec 5, 2009 | Stephen C. Webster | According to a graduate student's research into the spying policies of major U.S. telecommunications companies, at a recent security conference a Sprint surveillance manager told a group of onlookers that half of all police requests include the target's text messages.

Agenda 21 Alert: Public-Private Partnerships

Dec 3, 2009 | Cassandra Anderson | Public- Private Partnerships are one of the most effective tools that are used by the globalists to implement Agenda 21 Sustainable Development, with the goal of destroying the structure of governments that represent the people, and puts profits and resources in the hands of the private interest collectivists.

Richard Gage's Auckland, NZ Presentation Silences The Debunkers

Dec 3, 2009 | Clare Swinney | Richard Gage of Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, gave his third and final presentation in New Zealand on the Hard Evidence Down Under Tour..

Gargantuan Industry Of Climate Alarmism Exposed By ClimateGate

Dec 2, 2009 | Steve Watson | The leaking of thousands of emails from the University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit has shined a light on an industry of climate change alarmism.

Yahoo: Our spying policy would shock customers

Dec 2, 2009 | John Byrne | A little-noticed letter from Yahoo! to the US Marshals Service offers troubling insight into the surveillance policies of one of the Internet's largest email providers.

Operation: Arrest the Crimatologists

Nov 30, 2009 | James Corbett | The millions of people who are following the twists and turns of the unfolding climategate scandal online are increasingly asking themselves the same question: if a scientific theory falls in the forest and there's no reporter willing to cover it, does it make a sound?

Shocking UN Document Divulges Climate Cult Brainwashing

Nov 30, 2009 | Paul Joseph Watson | Kids coerced into performing global warming song as strategy document reveals plan to greenwash young minds by turning environmentalism into gaia religion.

Climategate: UN scientists turn on each other

Nov 28, 2009 | Marc Morano | A UN scientist is declaring that his three fellow UN climate panel colleagues should be barred from the IPCC process.

Climategate: five Aussie MPs lead the way by resigning in disgust over carbon tax

Nov 27, 2009 | James Delingpole | Australia is leading the revolt against Al Gore's great big AGW conspiracy just as the Aussie geologist and AGW sceptic Professor Ian Plimer predicted it would.

New Zealand Climate Data Shows Clear Evidence Of Fraud

Nov 26, 2009 | Watts Up With That | The New Zealand Government's chief climate advisory unit NIWA is under fire for allegedly massaging raw climate data to show a global warming trend that wasn't there..

MEP Reprimanded For Exposing EU Dictatorship

Nov 26, 2009 | Paul Watson | An astounding exchange took place in the European Union Parliament earlier this week when MEP Nigel Farage was reprimanded for daring to expose the fact that the EU is an authoritarian dictatorship ruled by unelected bureaucrats..

Population reduction: who will make it and who won't?

Nov 24, 2009 | Fausty's Libertarian Blog | This is no conspiracy theory, Mark Wallace posted a rather chilling article and accompanying spreadsheet on Conservative Home on the population figures the Optimum Population Trust would like to see in each country of the world.

Britons back baby limit

Nov 23, 2009 | Made for Mums | Almost a third of Britons would support a law capping the number of children per family, according to a survey by the London newspaper Metro.

BART cop pushes suspect's arm, head through window

Nov 23, 2009 | David Edwards | A Bay Area Rapid Transit police officer is facing accusations of brutality after a video showing him pushing an unruly man through a plate-glass window went viral over the weekend.

Global Warming Meltdown: Climategate!

Nov 22, 2009 | Alan Caruba | The truth about some of the scientists behind the global warming hoax has finally arrived. The hoax has its roots in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an instrument of the United Nations Environmental Program..

Vaccines: A Bullet to the Head

Nov 22, 2009 | Dr Sherri Tenpenny | It seems people often need to experience a bullet to the head before they will believe bullets can be deadly and then they rue the day they ignored warnings about playing with loaded guns.

Looking for reason not to use Tasers? Here are 400 of them

Nov 20, 2009 | Jared Feuer | Since 2001, about 400 people have died 39 this year after being Tasered by law enforcement personnel in the U.S. Amnesty International believes it is time to reconsider the use of Tasers..

Another Extremist Conspiracy Theory? The Elite's Own Statements

Nov 20, 2009 | Jurriaan Maessen | Who's the extremist? The Malthusian calling for world government to scale down human population or the one reporting on it?

Phthalate warning: Medications contain chemicals that feminize unborn baby boys

Nov 17, 2009 | Mike Adams | In a bombshell finding that has far-reaching implications for society and culture, scientists at the University of Rochester have found that phthalates the chemical found in many vinyl and plastic products tends to feminize boys, altering their brains to express more feminine characteristics.

Kilometer tax avoiders face jail, fines

Nov 17, 2009 | Dutch News | People without a working kilometer tax meter in their cars once the system is introduced in 2012 face six months in jail or a fine of up to 18,500.

Million Hit By 'Plague worse Than Swine Flu'

Nov 15, 2009 | Greg Miskiw | A DEADLY plague could sweep across Europe, doctors fear, after an outbreak of a virus in Ukraine plunged the country and its neighbours into a state of panic.

Church bells to ring out warning on climate change

Nov 12, 2009 | AFP | The World Council of Churches on Thursday called on churches around the world to ring their bells 350 times during the Copenhagen climate change summit on December 13 as a call to action on global warming.

Has The H1N1 Swine Flu Virus Mutated To Become More Like The 1918 Spanish Flu?

Nov 12, 2009 | Bird Flu Pandemic | Has the H1N1 swine flu virus in Ukraine mutated to become more like the 1918 Spanish flu that killed 50 to 100 million people across the globe?

After G20, Oligarchs Moving on African Union, Population Reduction

Nov 11, 2009 | James Corbett | The key issue discussed at the meeting was the next step in globalization, which is the creation of the African Union.

Pupils terrified after arriving at school to bloody crime scene... which was lesson on 'problem solving'

Nov 10, 2009 | Chris Brooke | The pupils were shocked when they turned up at Foxhill Primary to find their teacher had been attacked in a violent break-in.

State to 'spy' on every phone call, email and web search

Nov 10, 2009 | Richard Edwards | Every phone call, text message, email and website visit made by private citizens is to be stored for a year and will be available for monitoring by government bodies.

Australian PM Rudd warns skeptics are too dangerous to ignore and are holding the world to ransom

Nov 9, 2009 | Marc Morano | Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd spewed out a rhetorical barrage on climate skeptics worldwide.Climate Depot has undertaken a point by point rebuttal to Rudd's claims..

Clinton Connects Overpopulation to Climate Change

Nov 7, 2009 | Jurriaan Maessen | Secretary of State Hillary Clinton revealed not only the administration's commitment to tackle global climate change, but also her willingness to link it to overpopulation..

Parents lose right over sex education

Nov 5, 2009 | Graeme Paton | Pupils in England will be given classes in sex and relationships from the age of five under Government plans to cut teenage pregnancies.

Global treaty could throw file-sharers off Internet after three strikes

Nov 5, 2009 | Daniel Tencer | File-sharers could be jailed under proposed ACTA provisions

Has Baxter International released a biological weapon?

Nov 2, 2009 | David Rothscum | Evidence appears to suggest that Baxter International is responsible for a new deadly outbreak of viral pneumonia in Ukraine.

Elites Launch Global Impact Investing Network

Nov 2, 2009 | Daniel Taylor | The establishment is seeking to direct the wealth of the world's most powerful foundations and individuals towards the realization of their agenda.

President Obama declares national emergency over swine flu pandemic

Oct 24, 2009 | Mike Adams | Declaring a national emergency immediately gives federal authorities dangerous new powers that can now be enforced at gunpoint.

Greyhound bus passengers get screened in special TSA operation

Oct 24, 2009 | Susan Jacobson | The idea is to keep off guard terrorists and others who mean harm, thereby improving safety for passengers and workers, according to the TSA.

'Cruising' banned in New Zealand boy-racer legislation

Oct 21, 2009 | Patrick Gower | The Government has allowed the banning of cars "cruising" down certain streets and driving while affected by a prescription sleeping pill as a raft of its hardline measures start becoming law.

Immune Suppressing, Carcinogenic Hand Sanitizers in Schools

Oct 20, 2009 | Prevent Disease | The risks of using such hand sanitizers far exceed the benefits as most have carcinogenic and immune suppressing compounds..

New York Times: Give Carbon Credits to Couples That Limit Themselves to One Child

Oct 19, 2009 | Edwin Mora | Andrew Revkin, who reports on environmental issues for The New York Times, floated an idea last week for combating global warming.

Unemployment. Now that's sustainable

Oct 18, 2009 | Darren Weeks | Every time the media reports the unemployment numbers, it reminds me of George Orwell's book, 1984. In the legendary book, a governmental organization referred to as the Ministry of Truth..

Deformed babies in Fallujah

Oct 16, 2009 | Uruknet | Young women in Fallujah in Iraq are terrified of having children because of the increasing number of babies born grotesquely deformed.

Govt Plans to Increase Surveillance Powers

Oct 15, 2009 | Sia Aston | The Government's plans to extend police powers of search and surveillance effectively lead New Zealand toward a police state..

Police Are Not Above The Law

Oct 14, 2009 | David Garrett | ACT New Zealand Law & Order Spokesman David Garrett today accused the police of failing to enforce their own guidelines and placing themselves above the law..

These Are Not Negotiable

Oct 13, 2009 | Chuck Baldwin | It is incumbent upon us to very seriously and thoughtfully examine those principles that we absolutely will never cede or surrender.

Microchip Implant to Link Your Health Records, Credit History, Social Security

Oct 11, 2009 | Jim Edwards | VeriChip wants an implanted chip that links to an online database containing all your medical records, credit history and your social security ID.

Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize to mixed reviews

Oct 9, 2009 | Wojciech Moskwa | OSLO (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for giving the world "hope for a better future" and striving for nuclear disarmament, in a surprise award that drew both warm praise and sharp criticism.

Top researcher who worked on cervical cancer vaccine warns about its dangers

Oct 8, 2009 | Uncensored.co.nz | One of the key researchers involved in the clinical trials for both Gardasil and Cevarix cervical cancer vaccines has gone public with warnings about their safety and effectiveness.

Doctors Concerned FluMist Vaccine Could Spread Live H1N1 Virus

Oct 6, 2009 | Paul Joseph Watson | With 60 per cent of the U.S. population at risk, is swine flu nasal spray a pandemic waiting to happen?

Lurid Butt Bomb Threat Used to Expand Airport Full Body Scans

Oct 6, 2009 | Kurt Nimmo | Airport Gestapo zones where everybody is considered a terrorist will eventually be expanded to the streets, malls, and public buildings of America.

Politicians and celebrities granted permission to keep their names off child database

Oct 03, 2009 | Steve Doughty | Tens of thousands of politicians and celebrities will be allowed to keep their names off a new Government children's database, ministers said yesterday.

Babysitting Criminalized

Sept 30, 2009 | Secret Truth Revealed | A West Michigan woman says the state is threatening her with fines and possibly jail time for babysitting her neighbors children.

The Four-Part Process Leading to Sustainable Development

Sept 25, 2009 | Tom DeWeese | So how is this wrenching transformation being put into place? There are four very specific routes being used.

Barack As Christ: Obama Worship Song Adapted From Jesus Loves The Little Children

Sept 24, 2009 | Prison Planet | The idea of kids being forced to worship Obama in schools across America is no longer just an example of political brainwashing children are being trained to religiously worship Obama via adapted versions of Christian hymns!

Obama will bypass Congress to detain suspects indefinitely

Sept 24, 2009 | John Byrne | President Barack Obama has quietly decided to bypass Congress and allow the indefinite detention of terrorist suspects without charges.

Legless man: Cops tasered me just to be downright nasty

Sept 22, 2009 | David Edwards | A wheelchair-bound, legless man in Merced, California, says police officers tasered him twice, pushed him out of his wheelchair and left him handcuffed in broad daylight naked from the waist down before arresting him on charges that would never be pressed.

EU Plans Massive Surveillance Panopticon That Would Monitor Abnormal Behavior

Sept 21, 2009 | Paul Joseph Watson | The European Union is developing a 21st century panopticon, a beast surveillance system that critics describe as Orwellian, sinister, and positively chilling, that would collate data from numerous sources, including surveillance cameras and personal computers, in order to detect abnormal behavior across the entire continent.

Spotting A Terrorist

Sept 18, 2009 | Carolyn.Y.Johnson | Metal detectors, X-ray machines, and dogs are used at security checkpoints to look for bombs. Now a next-generation technology under development in Cambridge will look for the bomber.

Police and Military Train To Intern Swine Flu Vaccine Refusniks

Sept 17, 2009 | Paul Watson | Law enforcement and military personnel are training to set up checkpoints in order to catch people who refuse to take the swine flu vaccination..

Up to two million march to US Capitol to protest against Obama's spending

Sept 13, 2009 | David Gardner | (DailyMail) Up to two million people marched to the U.S. Capitol today, carrying signs with slogans such as Obamacare makes me sick as they protested the president's health care plan and what they say is out-of-control spending.

Brit Government Uses Child Murders to Place Millions in Database

Sept 11, 2009 | James Slack | The Children's Minister claimed today that millions of Britons must be placed on a new Big Brother-style child protection database to stop a repeat of the Soham murders.

Take more babies away from bad parents, says Barnardo's chief

Sept 6, 2009 | Tracy McVeigh | Many more children need to be taken into care at birth to stop them being damaged beyond repair by inadequate parents, the chief executive of the children's charity Barnardo's has told the Observer.

WHO Admits to Releasing Pandemic Virus into Population via Mock-Up Vaccines

Sept 5, 2009 | Dr. Mercola | The document on the WHO website states that it is common procedure to release pandemic viruses into the population in order to get a jump ahead of the real pandemic, so as to fast track the vaccine for when it is needed.

$500 fine if you put out wheelie bin on the wrong day

Sept 2, 2009 | Daniel Bates | Families could face fines of more than $500 for breaking wheelie bin rules.

Mercury in Fluorescent Light Bulbs Poisons Factory Workers

Sept 2, 2009 | David Gutierrez | Energy efficiency for the First World comes at a high cost for factory workers in China, with high rates of mercury poisoning being reported among employees in the plants that make compact fluorescent light bulbs.

Texas Adult Protective Services Kidnap Elderly Couple

Aug 30, 2009 | Becky Oliver | DALLAS They're not criminals. They've broken no laws. But they're being held against their will by the State of Texas. Why?

Madsen on RT: Vaccine Creators Refuse to Take H1N1 Vaccine

Aug 28, 2009 | Russia Today | Journalist Wayne Madsen tells Russia today scientists involved in creating previous vaccinations are telling family and friends not to take the H1N1 vaccine..

Forced vaccinations, quarantine camps, health care interrogations and mandatory decontaminations

Aug 28, 2009 | Mike Adams | The United States of America is devolving into medical fascism and Massachusetts is leading the way with the passage of a new bill..

Bill would give president emergency control of Internet

Aug 28, 2009 | Declan McCullagh | Internet companies and civil liberties groups were alarmed this spring when a U.S. Senate bill proposed handing the White House the power to disconnect private-sector computers from the Internet..

Campaign Launches to Fight Bristol Flouride Plans

Aug 28, 2009 | Orginal 106.5 | Worried Bristolians met on Tuesday to start fighting plans for the enforced fluoridation of the water supply to every home in the city..

Polls: Half Of Doctors Will Refuse To Take Swine Flu Shot

Aug 25, 2009 | Steve Watson | Two separate polls of GPs in Britain have revealed that one in two doctors have severe reservations over the safety of the forthcoming H1N1 flu vaccine..

Viral Success Of Obama Joker Posters Panics Authorities

Aug 17, 2009 | Paul Watson | The Obama Joker posters are still spreading virally across the country and the world as the authorities panic at the power of the grass roots to reach the masses almost in an instant..

MSM: Swine flu jab link to killer nerve disease

Aug 16, 2009 | Jo Macfarlane | A warning that the new swine flu jab is linked to a deadly nerve disease has been sent by the Government to senior neurologists in a confidential letter. ..

Pregnant mother tasered at baptism party

Aug 3, 2009 | David Edwards | Responding to a noise complaint in Prince William County, police sought to quell the assembled crowd who they said were making too much of a racket by firing a Taser at the child's grandmother and a the pregnant mother of the baptized child.

Bohemian Grove: Illuminati Meet This Week for Satanic Rituals

July 22, 2009 | Henry Makow Ph.D. | The Satanist cult that has taken control of mankind is meeting this week at Bohemian Grove 80 miles north of San Francisco.

Cops tasered 3 kids, threatened one with sodomy

July 21, 2009 | Daniel Tencer | A shelter for adolescents in southern Illinois is suing the local sheriff's office for what it describes as an unprovoked attack by two police officers on four children, three of whom were tasered, and one of whom was threatened with sodomy by a sheriff's deputy.

UN Seizure of Parental Rights

July 14, 2009 | Berit Kjos | Some opponents of Humanism have accused us of wishing to overthrow the traditional Christian family. They are right. That is exactly what we intend to do.[1] The British Humanist Association,1969

Investigation of Baxter Vaccine by New Zealand Minister of Health

July 13, 2009 | Barbara Minton | The New Zealand Minister of Health, Hon Tony Ryall, has asked the Ministry of Health officials to urgently advise him on issues raised about a swine flu vaccine produced by Baxter International Inc.

Obama Science Czar's Plan To Sterilize Population Through Water Supply

July 13, 2009 | Paul Joseph Watson | Shocking proposals to mass sterilize the population by artificially medicating municipal water supplies, which were outlined by President Obama's top science czar in his 1977 book Ecoscience

Liberty Is An Absolute

July 13, 2009 | Tom Mullen | Over the past week I've made two round trip flights by air, which means I have had the distinct pleasure of passing through airport security four times in seven days. It may be my imagination, but I believe that our friendly neighborhood TSA officers are getting more authoritarian.

Reality Mining Inside Big Brother's Control Grid

June 30, 2009 | Daniel Taylor | Data mining is a practice long used by government agencies and companies like Choicepoint to collect a vast amount of information on individuals..

Worldwide Depression: Review of Global Markets

June 30, 2009 | Bob Chapman | As you have already seen this is a worldwide depression and no one will escape. Europe's economy is already in a shambles as is the US economy. Inflation will rage all over the world.

MTV Star Heidi Montag: Over My Dead Body Would I Take A Microchip

June 30, 2009 | Paul Joseph Watson | Star of MTV's The Hills Heidi Montag appeared on The Alex Jones Show today to discuss how some nightclubs are introducing implantable identification microchips to allow customers to access VIP areas. .

Swine flu made in USA

June 25, 2009 | Russia Today | An American investigative journalist, who claims that swine flu strains have been engineered in two universities in the US and Canada..

Journalist Files Charges against WHO and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder

June 25, 2009 | Barbara Minton | An Austrian investigative journalist is warning the world that the greatest crime in the history of humanity is underway.

Climate Cops To Fine Wasteful Homeowners & Businesses

June 25, 2009 | Paul Joseph Watson | Energy police to carry out home inspections under invasive and tyrannical new measures.

In 1969, Rockefeller Official Said US Would Be De- industrialized

June 23, 2009 | Henry Makow | Our society and culture are a fraud based on one central fraud, the monopoly over government credit in the hands of Cabalist private bankers.

What to expect if you have Human Swine Flu

June 23, 2009 | This fact sheet gives you information on what to expect if you have been exposed to either H1N1 Influenza 09 or the seasonal influenza virus.

Swine Flu Vaccination Poses Serious Threat to Your Health

June 17, 2009 | Euro-med | The WHO has declared swine flu (N1H1) pandemic. This will probably imply governmental demands for universal mass vaccinations under penalty for not complying.

Obama's Elite Agenda: Black Abortion for Profit

June 6, 2009 | Richard Evans |Speaking before Rockefeller sponsored Planned Parenthood's Action fund banquet July 17th 2007, candidate Barack Obama made his public announcement that his first act as President would be signing FOCA (Freedom of Choice Act)

It's increasingly evident that Obama should resign

June 2, 2009 | Ted Rall |Obama wants to let government goons snatch you, me and anyone else they deem annoying off the street..

Cybersecurity Is Framework For Total Government Regulation & Control Of Our Lives

June 1, 2009 | PrisonPlanet | The Obama administration's new Cybersecurity system will only make the Internet more vulnerable to attack, while creating the framework for a massively upgraded government surveillance grid that will control and regulate every aspect of our daily lives through the implementation of smart technology.

Cybersecurity: Obama's Promise to Trash the Constitution

May 29, 2009 | Infowars | During a speech today on cybersecurity, Obama told a whopper. He said the government's effort to protect us from cyber bad guys will not include monitoring private sector networks or Internet traffic.

North Korea fires short-range missile; may take more action

May 29, 2009 | Reuters | North Korea fires another short-range missile, North threatens to act if U.N. punishes it, South Korea says Chinese fishing boats leave border area, U.N. Security Council drafts resolution

Insane Thug Cops Attack Emergency Paramedic

May 28, 2009 | News9 | All across the country, cops are attacking people for not responding quick enough to barked commands or for not groveling in deference to their thuggish authority.

No Jab, No School say MP

May 11, 2009 | BBC | Children who have not received all their vaccinations should not be allowed to start school, a Labour MP has suggested.

The Pentagon's alarming project: Avian Flu Biowar Vaccine

Aug 15, 2008 | F. William Engdahl | Is the international pharmaceutical industry cartel acting in concert with the U.S. to develop a genetically modified H5N1 virus substance that could unleash a man-made pandemic?

Law Professor: Counter Terrorism Czar Told Me There Is Going To Be An i-9/11 And An i-Patriot Act

Aug 5, 2008 | Steve Watson | Amazing revelations have emerged concerning already existing government plans to overhaul the way the internet functions.

Cecil Rhodes & The Round Table Group

Aug 5, 2008 | TruthNews | Cecil Rhodes set up a secret society that would forward the agenda to establish a world federation of Anglo nations which would go on to dominate the entire world.

Jimmy Justice Takes On NYPD Cops Breaking the Law

Aug 3, 2008 | Washington Post | Jimmy Justice represents a new kind of citizen vigilante at a time when amateur videos are increasingly being used to hold law enforcers to account and shine a public spotlight on their excesses.

Censoring the Internet: A Collection of Essential Links

Aug 1, 2008 | Infowars | In response to Alex's coverage of the British government's blocking of this website and Prison Planet, we include a collection of links on internet censorship.

Romans 13: Does it mean what the government would have us believe?

July 25, 2008 | Infowars | Don't allow an unjust, unconstitutional, lawless government to order you around in the name of God, for they are not entitled to that authority!


Bomber Had No Passport, Helped To Board Plane By Sharp-Dressed Man

Dec 27, 2009 | Paul Joseph Watson | A passenger who boarded Northwest Airlines Flight 253 in Amsterdam with attempted plane bomber Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab says the would-be terrorist had no passport and was aided by a sharp-dressed man who claimed Mutallab was a Sudanese refugee..

Telecom firms' fury at plan for 'Stasi' checks on every phone call and email

Dec 27, 2009 | Jonathan Petre | Telecoms firms have accused the Government of acting like the East German Stasi over plans to force them to store the details of every phone call for at least a year.Under the proposals, the details of every email sent and website visited will also be recorded to help the police and security services fight crime and terrorism.

British Peer: Copenhagen Summit Has Established A World Government

Dec 18, 2009 | Steve Watson | Lord Christopher Monckton, reporting from the summit, has stated that the only goal of the conference was to implement the framework and the funding for a world government which he asserts has been achieved.

2010 Food Crisis Means Financial Armageddon

Dec 18, 2009 | Eric deCarbonnel | If you read any economic, financial, or political analysis for 2010 that doesn't mention the food shortage looming next year, throw it in the trash, as it is worthless. There is overwhelming, undeniable evidence that the world will run out of food next year.

Lord Monckton reports on Pachauri's eye opening Copenhagen presentation

Dec 17, 2009 | Watts Up With That | In the Grand Ceremonial Hall of the University of Copenhagen Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, chairman of the IPCC produced the now wearisome list of lies, fibs, fabrications and exaggerations that comprise the entire case for alarm about global warming..

UN Chief: We Will Impose Global Governance

Dec 17, 2009 | Paul Joseph Watson | United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has again publicly admitted that the agenda behind the Copenhagen summit and the climate change fraud is the imposition of a global government and the end of national sovereignty.

Parliament of World Religions urges Copenhagen to act on climate change

Dec 15, 2009 | Aaron Dykes | Even religion has become a tool for the climate change agenda. A Yale-based project seeks to expand religious coalitions "both covertly and overtly" on climate change. This has manifest in ways such as a "Day of Prayer on Climate Change" and through organizations seeking pathways to religious environmentalism.

UN Goons Silence Journalist Who Questions Gore On Climategate

Dec 15, 2009 | Paul Watson | An attempt by a journalist to ask Al Gore to correct the record on the Climategate emails scandal was met once again with an armed response from UN security thugs at the Copenhagen climate change summit.

One Child Policy: The Case For Killing Junior

Dec 15, 2009 | Moe Bedard | Aside from the most important environmental issues, population control has also been discussed at the Copenhagen climate summit. More and more governments are looking into a policy similar to that of China (a policy according to which a family is only allowed to have one child)

Copenhagen climate conference: Nick Griffin calls world leaders mass murderers

Dec 15, 2009 | Louise Gray | Nick Griffin has accused world leaders at the Copenhagen climate conference of the biggest hoax in history that will kill more people than the great famines under Stalin and Mao.

Carbon Eugenics: Genocide in the name of the environment is still genocide

Dec 12, 2009 | The Corbett Report | The first person to stand up to any great evil is always the most courageous. To be the first one to call out any great injustice is to invite ridicule, scorn, even persecution.

Globalist carbon tax scheme: Redemption for sale

Dec 12, 2009 | J.Speer-Williams | The global warming/climate change mythology is the greatest hoax the private International Monetary/Banking Cartel has ever tried to pull off..

Britain Wants Criminal Background Checks for Homeschoolers

Dec 12, 2009 | H.S.L.D.A | A bill proposed by the British government and now making its way through parliament would impose the most burdensome and intrusive regulation on homeschooling in the English-speaking world.

Copenhagen Report: IPCC's Damage Control and Hitler Youth

Dec 9, 2009 | The Moral Liberal | The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is working steadfastly and stealthily under the auspices of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCROC) to this end creating a worldwide youth movement reminiscent of the Hitler youth.

UK Group Proposes Using Carbon Offsets to Stop Poor From Breeding

Dec 9, 2009 | James Corbett | The Optimum Population Trust (OPT), a UK-based think tank and registered charity, has launched a new initiative urging wealthy members of the developed world to participate in carbon offsets that fund programs for curbing the population of developing nations.

Monckton: Secretive Copenhagen Treaty Creates Larcenous Global Government Tax

Dec 9, 2009 | Paul Joseph Watson | Text of agreement outlines plan for tax on all transactions in addition to 2 percent GDP tax, mandates globalist power grab on an unimaginable scale, by a sinister dictatorship, warns Monckton..

Hopenhagen Hopes to Set its Global Agenda

Dec 8, 2009 | Patrick Henningsen | The UN's International Summit on Climate Change, COP 15, opened its doors yesterday in Copenhagen. Attendees include over 10,000 delegates and observers from 192 countries as well as thousands of press.

Copenhagen Con Men Launch Global Carbon Tax Heist

Dec 8, 2009 | Paul Joseph Watson | Hours after flying into Copenhagen on luxurious private jets and being chauffeured around in gas-guzzling limousines, climate con men convening in the Danish capital announced that the shrinking bank accounts of the middle class would be further eviscerated via the introduction of global carbon taxes.

Former UNEP-Chieftain and Bilderberger Admitted to International Consensus on Population Policy

Dec 6, 2009 | Jurriaan Maessen | Klaus Tpfer, 1996 Bilderberg attendee and former Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) admitted in 2000 that there is an international consensus on worldwide population control. During a speech given in Berlin..

Who Will Stand Up Against the Coming Global Climate Tyranny?

Dec 6, 2009 | Adam Murdock, M.D. | This week, President Obama and the leaders of the world are to meet to determine the fate of humanity. This meeting, to be held in Copenhagen, has as its mission to bind the nations of the world under a climatocracy, or rather a climate regulatory scheme devised and operated by bureaucrats and elitists.

Yahoo Threatens Cryptome Over Leaked Surveillance Document

Dec 5, 2009 | Kurt Nimmo | Yahoo, the internet corporation notorious for helping China implement totalitarian censorship of the web, has instructed its lawyers to go after Cryptome, a site that functions as a repository for information about freedom of speech, cryptography, spying, and surveillance.

Al Gore's Crumbling Credibility Cracked By Climategate

Dec 4, 2009 | Steve Watson | It has not been a good month for Al Gore. If I wanted to enter an understatement of the year contest I'm pretty sure that one would win.

China Christians sent to labour camps: rights group

Dec 3, 2009 | Sino Daily | Police in northern China have sentenced five Christian church leaders to two years of "education through labour" after they protested against a police raid on their church, a rights group said Wednesday..

Jon Stewart on ClimateGate: Poor Al Gore Global Warming Debunked Via Internet You Invented

Dec 2, 2009 | Noel Sheppard | If you needed any more assurance the growing ClimateGate scandal is far more significant than America's media has been portraying, you got it Tuesday night from Comedy Central's Jon Stewart.

Stealth Treaty Seeks Strict Controls Over Internet

Dec 2, 2009 | David Bollier | A sweeping international treaty to regulate how knowledge and creativity may flow on the Internet is now being negotiated. Haven't heard of it? Funny thing, that's exactly what the backers of the treaty want.

Obama orders 30-35,000 more troops for Afghanistan, surge to begin by Christmas

Dec 1, 2009 | RawStory | After months of debate, President Barack Obama will spell out a costly Afghanistan war expansion to a skeptical public Tuesday night, coupling an infusion of as many as 35,000 more troops..

Germany: Prosecutor to Homeschoolers: No Compromise You're Going to Jail

Nov 27, 2009 | cryptogon.com | Juergen and Rosemary Dudek of Archfeldt, Germany, were sentenced to 90 days in prison in July 2008 because they homeschool their children.

Are Ukraine Black Death Cases result of IMF Loans

Nov 27, 2009 | F. William Engdahl | The Ukraine Government has declared a state of emergency and medical examiners describe results of autopsies on dead patients in chilling terms that recall the Black Death descriptions from the Fourteenth Century in Venice.

Climate Alarmists Finally Admit The Debate Is Not Over

Nov 24, 2009 | Paul Watson | Top climate alarmists have conceded that the climategate scandal represents a huge blow to the global warming movement and that the debate is not over..

WTO Director General: Global Governance Based on the EU Model

Nov 24, 2009 | Daniel Taylor | National sovereignty has no place in Lamy's ideal globalist vision. Local communities, states and countries laws would be superseded by a regional as is the case with the EU or international body. Lamy points to the EU, where, The fact that Community law takes precedence over national law.

The Road to Copenhagen part III: A Planetary Regime in the Making

Nov 22, 2009 | Jurriaan Maessen | The machine of mass media is working overdrive now that the Copenhagen summit is approaching. All major media outlets have by now obviously received their talking-points which have an strangely similar ring about them all across the board.

Britain's new Internet law as bad as everyone's been saying, and worse. Much, much worse.

Nov 22, 2009 | Cory Doctorow | The British government has brought down its long-awaited Digital Economy Bill, and it's perfectly useless and terrible. It consists almost entirely of penalties for people who do things that upset the entertainment industry.

Where the Global Warming Hoax Was Born

Nov 22, 2009 | Marjorie Mazel Hecht | Global Warming is, and always was, a policy for genocidal reduction of the world�s population. The preposterous claim that human-produced carbon dioxide will broil the Earth..

CLIMATE BOMBSHELL: Hacker leaks thousands of emails showing conspiracy to hide the real data on manmade climate change

Nov 20, 2009 | James Corbett | A hacker has leaked thousands of emails and documents from the Climate Research Unit at East Anglia University that appear to show how climate change data was fudged and the peer review process skewed to favor the manmade climate change hypothesis.

Ukraine swine flu burns lungs

Nov 18, 2009 | Russia Today | British scientists suspect that swine flu virus has mutated in Ukraine. Some doctors say that flu in the country has shown unprecedented symptoms, creating the effect of burnt lungs, the Daily Mail reports.

Obama Critic Rev. Mannings Says Homeland Security Visited Him

Nov 18, 2009 | Infowars | James David Manning, the controversial pastor of the Atlah Missionary Church in Harlem, says Homeland Security paid him a visit, Manning is a fierce critic of Obama..

Deadly flu spreads across Ukraine

Nov 17, 2009 | Zero Hedge | Deadly flu continues to spread across Ukraine, criminal World Health Organization lies to the public, MSM maintains radio silence.

Genetically engineered hormones used by dairy industry promote cancer

Nov 17, 2009 | E. Huff | An industry report claiming that the genetically-engineered hormone Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin (rBST) is safe has received criticism from the Cancer Prevention Coalition (CPC) for its dubious findings.

Chinese scientists create second artificial snowstorm in Beijing

Nov 15, 2009 | Agence France-Presse | CHINESE scientists have artificially induced the second major snowstorm to wreak havoc in Beijing this season, state media said today, reigniting debate over the practice of tinkering with Mother Nature.

Leading Croatian Priest: Don't get the H1N1 Vaccine

Nov 15, 2009 | MINA | Controversy in Croatia after famous Croatian priest Miroslav Bustruk appealed to Croatians not to get vaccinated against the Swine flu vaccine.

Population Reduction: Globalist Endgame Begins?

Nov 12, 2009 | SkyWatch Canada | There are reports now coming from Romania, India, Bulgaria, Belarus, Turkey, Norway that the rate on increase of flu is increasing rapidly.

World getting cooler, not warmer, insists Bellamy

Nov 11, 2009 | Ronan Mcgreevy | WORLD-RENOWNED botanist and broadcaster Prof David Bellamy has predicted the world will get cooler over the next 30 years rather than warmer, as many climate scientists have predicted.

Soros Calls for World Currency and New World Architecture

Nov 10, 2009 | C. Marlon Richardson | Soros calls for the Security Council, currently led by President Barack Obama, in direct violation of the U.S, Constitution, to serve as the overseeing enforcement body for a new financial system.

Taser video shows clear view of 72-year-old woman as she was Tased a second time

Nov 9, 2009 | Suzannah Gonzales | On May 11, Deputy Constable Christopher Bieze stopped Winkfein on Texas 71 in western Travis County on suspicion of driving 60 mph in a 45-mph construction zone. .

Everyone in Britain could be given a personal 'carbon allowance'

Nov 9, 2009 | London Telegraph | Everyone in Britain should have an annual carbon ration and be penalised if they use too much fuel, the head of the Environment Agency will say. .

Reported Cases of Mystery Flu in Ukraine Double in Two Days

Nov 4, 2009 | Recombinomics | The number of infected patients has almost doubled to just under million, compared to the report two days ago.

Al Gore Admits CO2 Does Not Cause Majority Of Global Warming

Nov 4, 2009 | Paul Watson | In a new development that is potentially devastating to the agenda to introduce a global carbon tax and a cap and trade system, Al Gore admits that the majority of global warming that occurred until 2001 was not primarily caused by CO2.

WHO memos 1972 explains how to turn vaccines into a means of killing

Nov 1, 2009 | Fight Back H1N1 | Two key memorandums from WHO, discovered by Patrick Jordan, prove WHO has intentionally created the three-shot killer vaccine that people in the USA and other countries could soon be forced to take.

Obama's Youth Corps

Nov 1, 2009 | Derry Brownfield | Students and young people will be the caring persons who will lead their generation into The New World Order.

Biometric Eye scans, Facial scans and Fingerprint scans favoured in New Zealand

Oct 21, 2009 | Beck Vass | Eighty-one per cent of New Zealanders are happy to use fingerprint scans to prove their identity and 68 per cent are willing to have their eyes scanned.

Climate Treaty Will Create World Government Dictatorship

Oct 20, 2009 | NoWorldSystem | A Total bureaucratic, technological slave-grid in other words, hell on earth..

CIA To Monitor Internet Chatter For Anti-Government Sentiment

Oct 20, 2009 | Paul Watson | The prospect of the CIA closely monitoring social networking websites, whose content largely comprises of inane gossip and sophomoric blabber, shows just how afraid the establishment is of rising popular opposition to their agenda..

U.S. Attacks Iran Via CIA-Funded Jundullah Terror Group

Oct 19, 2009 | Paul Watson | Bankrolling and arming Al-Qaeda offshoot part of 2007 White House directive to destabilize Iranian government..

Is population control rationale being used in the climate change and healthcare debates?

Oct 18, 2009 | The Freeman Institute | Indeed, it has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society.

An Imperial Strategy for a New World Order: The Origins of World War III

Oct 16, 2009 | Andrew Marshall | In the face of total global economic collapse, the prospects of a massive international war are increasing..

Fiat Money: The Fuel of Government

Oct 16, 2009 | Richard Hoste | The government shouldn't be allowed to print money for the same reason you or I aren't allowed to counterfeit.

Peacemaker Obama tops Bush in troop buildup

Oct 14, 2009 | Bill Van Auken | The combined US troop deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan have now reached a higher level than existed at any time under the presidency of George W. Bush.

McChrystal demands bloodshed

Oct 14, 2009 | Larry Chin | US and NATO commander General Stanley A. McChrystal is demanding a massive expansion of counterinsurgency operations in Afghanistan..

Waco Siege Enforcer To Rule Over Global Police Force

Oct 12, 2009 | Paul Joseph Watson | Man who both approved and covered-up government slaughter of 76 people, including 20 children, will lead move to establish international model of law enforcement.

Robert Reich On Health Care: Old People Have to Die

Oct 10, 2009 | Kurt Nimmo | Robert Reich, Clinton's Secretary of Labor and avid Obama supporter, wants to deny health care to old folks. They're too expensive.

The Orwell Peace Prize

Oct 10, 2009 | Martha Crow | Right after Christmas, my nephew is leaving for another tour in Afghanistan. My Sister's heart and my heart are broken. The chances are good that this time he's coming back in a box with a flag on top of it.

DHS Video Portrays Average Americans As Terrorists

Oct 7, 2009 | Paul Watson | Owning gold or firearms, donating to charity, finding out information about things all constitute suspicious activity to be reported to the authorities.

Teen girl suffers permanent brain damage after cervical cancer vaccine

Oct 7, 2009 | Mike Adams | As the cervical cancer vaccine continues to maim or kill even more teenage girls across the UK, 18-year-old Stacey Jones is the latest victim to suffer severe harm.

Verichip, Brain Scanning and the religion of Transhumanism

Oct 6, 2009 | Greg Nikolettos | I always tell my students that there is no science fiction anymore. All the science fiction I read in high school, we're doing,

Global Warming: The New Reason For Population Control

Oct 03, 2009 | Robert L. Hale | It is exceptionally difficult to deny people what they want and enjoy unless force and threats are used to scare them into cooperation and compliance.

US Census Bureau report: 40 million living in poverty

Sept 30, 2009 | Kate Randall | The overall poverty rate in the US rose to 13.2 percent in 2008, as workers across all sectors of the economy became jobless and increasing numbers of families were forced into destitution, according to a new government report.

Military Attacks American Citizens With Sound Weapons & Tear Gas At G20

Sept 24, 2009 | Paul Watson | National Guard, police, and other military units attacked American citizens with tear gas and deployed sound cannons today in response to an unpermitted protest as bedlam hit the streets on the first day of the G20 summit..

Obama at UN, Calls for Change New Era of Engagement

Sept 23, 2009 | Warran Mass | President Obama delivered his first speech to the United Nations General Assembly on September 23, employing impassioned rhetoric reminiscent of his presidential campaign's theme of change..

It Is Going To Be A Rocky Road

Sept 22, 2009 | Chuck Baldwin | Let's face it: most Americans live in a world of false security. This is somewhat understandable, given the fact that the majority of the U.S. population was born after 1945.

Joseph Moshe (Microbiologist): Swine flu vaccine is bioweapon

Sept 21, 2009 | VacTruth | He said that Baxter's Ukrainian lab was in fact producing a bioweapon disguised as a vaccine. He claimed that the vaccine contained an adjuvant (additive) designed to weaken the immune system, and replicated RNA from the virus responsible for the 1918 pandemic Spanish flu, causing global sickness and mass death.

VeriChip shares jump after H1N1 patent license win

Sept 21, 2009 | Reuters | Shares of VeriChip Corp (CHIP.O) tripled after the company said it had been granted an exclusive license to two patents, which will help it to develop implantable virus detection systems in humans.

Social Utility: How Much Are Grandpa and Grandma Worth?

Sept 19, 2009 | Russell L. Blaylock, M.D. | The American gnostic elite have chosen negative euthanasia as the system that will be most accepted by the people, the masses. The mechanism for this mode of killing is rationing of health care.

Facebook criticised by Archbishop

Sept 18, 2009 | BBC | Social networking websites, texting and e-mails are undermining community life, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales has warned.

A slop bucket in every home: Ministers plan to impose fines if you don't recycle food waste

Sept 15, 2009 | Steve Doughty | Every home will be issued with a kitchen slop bucket under plans being drawn up in Whitehall.

H1N1: Panvax Training Powerpoint Received by Health Care Workers in Australia

Sept 14, 2009 | Infowars | A listener from down-under sent us a PDF attachment from the vaccine manufacturer CSL Group detailing information on Panvax inoculation procedures.

Sonic Weapons Used In Iraq Positioned At Congressional Town Hall Meetings

Sept 12, 2009 | Miriam Raftery | Long-range acoustic devices [LRADs] for crowd control can be extremely dangerous. These are used in Iraq to control insurgents..

Sheen Challenges 9/11 Truth Debunkers To Larry King Live Debate

Sept 11, 2009 | Paul Joseph Watson | Appearing on The Alex Jones Show today to discuss his video address to Barack Obama, Charlie Sheen has challenged those who have publicly attacked him for speaking out on 9/11..

Charlie Sheen - Twenty Minutes With The President

Sept 9, 2009 | Charlie Sheen | Actor Charlie Sheen has followed up on his 20 Minutes With The President letter by directly addressing President Obama in a You Tube clip to request he use his executive power to reopen the investigation into 9/11 and its aftermath.

Held In A Psychiatric Ward, Called Delusional For Saying 9/11 Was An Inside Job

Sept 3, 2009 | Clare Swinney | I was wrongly diagnosed as delusional by the psychiatric staff of Ward 7 at Northland Base Hospital in Whangarei and held against my will for 11 days in mid-2006

Doctor admits euthanizing patients during Katrina

Aug 30, 2009 | Raw Story | A doctor who was working the rounds at New Orleans Memorial Medical Center during Hurricane Katrina has admitted euthanizing patients during a crucial shortage of energy and supplies at the hospital.

NM Rothschild Pitches UK Infrastructure Grab

Aug 30, 2009 | Robert Watts | A radical plan to raise 100 billion by privatising the motorway network has been presented to the three main political parties by NM Rothschild, the influential investment bank.

Fluoridation Contributes To $2 Billion Annual Health Cost

Aug 28, 2009 | Voxy News | A new study shows that arthritis alone costs the health system (i.e. taxpayer) $2 billion per year (1.2% GDP). And it will keep increasing unless something is done, according to the authors..

Obama To Keep Bush Airport Laptop Search Policy

Aug 28, 2009 | Ellen Nakashima | The Obama administration will largely preserve Bush-era procedures allowing the government to search without suspicion of wrongdoing the contents of a traveler's laptop computer..

Police may be issued with new high-power Taser

Aug 27, 2009 | Rachel Williams | A new Taser that fires wireless electric shock projectiles up to 30 metres is being considered for use by UK police forces..

Florida Candidate For Mayor Wants 1,000-Strong Youth Spy Force

Aug 26, 2009 | Paul Joseph Watson | A frontrunner to become Mayor of Orange County Florida proposes to combat crime in the area by creating a 1,000 person strong spy force who would cruise around neighborhoods on bikes reporting suspicious behavior to uniformed supervisors.

Scientists Confirm the Effectiveness of The Big Lie

Aug 26, 2009 | Washington Blog | All this was inspired by the principle which is quite true in itself that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility..

Kids Get $40 Gift Cards in H1N1 Vaccine Test

Aug 20, 2009 | Val Willingham | Andrew Stein, 10, and his brother, Nathan, 7, are having a typical end-of-summer vacation: hanging out at the pool, visiting their grandparents and waiting for the beginning of school..

List of Dead Scientists

Aug 20, 2009 | Steve Quayle | Microbiologists, chemists, and other scientists connected to biological weapons are showing up dead in alarming numbers.

Cop Tasers Mom As Her Children Watch

Aug 14, 2009 | David Edwards | A police officer in the Syracuse, New York, area Tasered a 37-year-old mom repeatedly in front of her children during a routine traffic stop..

NEWS FLASH - Obama finally releases evidence of his birth certificate!

Aug 11, 2009 | Satire | After recent controveresy surrounding wether Barrack.H.Obama's is an Amercian citizen, the obama administration has decided to release evidence of President Obama's birth certificate.

Police given powers to enter homes and tear down anti-Olympics posters during 2012 Games

July 22, 2009 | James Slack | Police have been handed Chinese-style powers to enter private homes and seize political posters during the London 2012 Olympics.

European Court Ruling spells an end to water fluoridation

July 22, 2009 | Doug Cross | Fluoridated water must be treated as a medicine, and cannot be used to prepare foods. That is the decision of the European Court of Justice...

New flu resembles feared 1918 virus: study

July 13, 2009 | Maggie Fox | WASHINGTON (Reuters) The new H1N1 influenza virus bears a disturbing resemblance to the virus strain that caused the 1918 flu pandemic, with a greater ability to infect the lungs than common seasonal flu viruses, researchers reported on Monday.

Brits Tell Goons With Needles To Stick It Where The Sun Don't Shine

July 12, 2009 | Paul Joseph Watson | The trial balloon went up today on the UK government's efforts to impose a mass mandatory vaccination program against swine flu, but judging from the response on a major newspaper website, millions of British citizens will tell the goons with needles to stick it where the sun don't shine.

Obama Science Advisor wants Planetary Regime To Enforce Totalitarian Population Control Measures

July 11, 2009 | Paul Joseph Watson | President Obama's top science and technology advisor John P. Holdren co-authored a 1977 book in which he advocated the formation of a planetary regime that would use a global police force to enforce totalitarian measures of population control

Is FACEBOOK run by D.A.R.P.A's Information Awareness Office?

July 5, 2009 | D. H. Williams | Is FACEBOOK a Department of Defense data mining scheme run by the CIA and D.A.R.P.A.? Should you be trusting all your personal data to FACEBOOK's management?..

Don't You DARE Scare A Police Officer!

June 30, 2009 | William Grigg | The San Diego County Sheriff's Department wrote another chapter in the annals of law enforcement overkill by dispatching an eight-man force, augmented by a helicopter, to deal with a spurious noise complaint..

Innoculations: The True Weapons Of Mass Destruction

June 28, 2009 | Rebecca Carley, M.D. | The basic truth that served as the foundation for the mountain of lies known as vaccinations was the observation that mammals who recover from infection with microorganisms acquire natural immunity from further infections.

The Population Reduction Agenda For Dummies

June 26, 2009 | Paul Joseph Watson | There are still large numbers of people amongst the general public, in academia, and especially those who work for the corporate media, who are still in denial about the on-the -record stated agenda for global population reduction..

Obama Depopulation Policy Exposed

June 26, 2009 | You Tube | Panelists warn of the revival of eugenics under Obama's modern healthcare through the denial of care to millions who would be judged not fit to live, just as in Nazi Germany.

Sign the Universal Declaration of Resistance to Mandatory Vaccination

June 23, 2009 | Barbara Minton | Vaccine against the swine flu will be ready in July. It has been developed in half the time it used to take to develop flu vaccines due to Baxter International's patented technology.

Social workers took away my twins after I'd joked that birth spoilt my body

June 20, 2009 | UK Daily Mail | A mother had her twin babies taken from her by social workers after she joked that their caesarean birth had ruined her body..

Turn green light for taser roll-out to red

June 19, 2009 | Green Party | New Zealand should follow the lead of the Queensland Government and suspend its roll-out of tasers pending an inquiry into their use, said Green Party MP Keith Locke.

Rutgers Professor Warns Geoengineering Could Create Disasters,Global Famine

June 18, 2009 | Paul Watson | Debate surrounding the possibility of geoengineering the earth.s climate by lining the atmosphere with aerosol particles has moved from idle speculation to serious consideration, and was a core topic of discussion at a recent National Academy of Sciences workshop.

Face Recognition Aims to Get Smarter

June 16, 2009 | Vision Systems | Face-recognition technology is set to enhance CCTV systems as a result of a GBP1.5 million partnership between BAE Systems and Surrey-based OmniPerception.

Pentagon Multiple Choice: Dissenting Americans are Terrorists

June 15, 2009 | Kurt Nimmo | Last week the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California issued a press release demanding the Department of Defense stop teaching employees that dissent is a form of low- level terrorism.

Misconduct in OK EMT Incident: follow up story

June 14, 2009 | Kurt Nimmo | A recently released police dash camera video reveals the truth about an altercation between Oklahoma Highway Patrolman Daniel Martin and EMT worker Maurice White on May 24.

Home Bible Study Threatened

June 12, 2009 | NewAmerican | For five years, the Rev. David Jones and his wife Mary have held Bible studies at their home in Bonita, Calif. With the impeccable timing of a soulless bureaucrat, on Good Friday morning, a San Diego County Code Enforcement officer appeared ..

Newsweek: Obama is God and Great Teacher

June 9, 2009 | Infowars | Newsweek assistant managing editor Evan Thomas tells Chris Matthews that Obama is sort of like a god standing above the country..

Texas Cop Tasers 72-year-old Great Grandmother

June 9, 2009 | David Edwards | Cops say the officer who tased her and took her to be booked for resisting arrest was completely justified.

Weaponized Education: Controlling Tomorrow

June 7, 2009 | Indglass | There has been and continues to be an effort by some of the worlds most elite families to establish a global community, with a global government, some call it the new world order.The plan always benefits them at our..


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US funding terrorist group against Iran

Press TV | A member of a terrorist organization operating in Iran says that a US State department radio station originally put him in touch with the group.

McCain Urges Obama to Back Regime Change in Iran

New York Times | McCain said latest United Nations sanctions are inadequate.

Predator Drones: Joking over innocent deaths?

Russia Today | Hundreds of people have died since 2004 and critics say the program only helps fuel the conflict and creates new militants rather than eliminating them.

Soldiers on streets of Kyrgyzstan's second city as violence flares

The Guardian | At least 39 dead and more than 600 injured as clashes spark fears of worsening ethnic conflict.

Lindsey Williams Talks with Alex Jones About Deadly Gases Leaking from BP Spill

The Alex Jones Channel | Appearing on the Alex Jones Show on June 10, 2010, paster Lindsey Williams reveals the real threat posed by the leak.

Economist Predicts Greece Will Default in August

Economic Policy Journal | Greece will eventually default on its debt because the country is highly indebted, said Carl Weinberg, chief economist at High Frequency Economics.

Arrested TSA worker asked girl to be his sex slave

Raw Story | A Transportation Security Administration employee in Florida is behind bars this weekend after a 15-year-old girl claimed he groped her and asked if she would be his sex slave, according to published reports.

Cramer pleads Trust Bernanke; the Bavarian Illuminati, Trilateral Commission & Queen are not all bad

Aaron Dykes | Jim Cramer made an astonishing statement in defense of Fed chief Bernanke and Treasury Secretary Geithner and Wall Street at large against conspiratorial detractors, facetiously backing the Bavarian Illuminati, Trilateral Commission and Queen.

Half of new UK jobs are created by the state

Times Online | NEARLY three-fifths of the growth in jobs under Labour during a decade in power was directly or indirectly created by the state, new research shows.

George Galloway: Tony Blair, Liar and War Criminal

Infowars.com | No longer is Britain the kind of country where liars and war criminals are made to answer for their crimes.

Bill Gates promises $10 billion for vaccines

Reuters | Bill and Melinda Gates said on Friday they would spend $10 billion over the next decade to develop and deliver vaccines.

Police officers sent on hypnosis courses in the new frontier in UK policing

Telegraph | Some are saying that forensic hypnosis is a the next logical step for investigators to use when other more traditional methods fail. Putting people in a receptive brainwave state makes it likelier that the truth would come out.

Newborn baby of 23st mother and her SIX siblings taken into care 'over obesity fears'

Three children had already been removed by social services before the infant was taken from her mother within hours of her birth. Now her parents have learned that their three other children will be taken away from them too over fears they would also become clinically obese.

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